Erik Soriano
Unity Engine
Adobe Illustrator
Spring 2023
An interactive virtual reality experience. This digital twin is based on one of the real-world Miami Lakes Park, located in Miami Lakes, Florida. This park, alongside another park in Miami Springs hold a special place in my life, since I have been going to them since I arrived to the United States a few years ago. I usually go to either one on the weekend mornings before starting my day, and what I love is all the sport court amenities and variety of people that visit.
The user can navigate through the park using the Meta Quest Pro controllers
Ability to teleport (using a teleport area) if player desires a faster navigation
Mini-missions that the player can complete to get more context of the area, and learn about other people (characters) stories
Music stops where player can interact and change the background music
Interactive info panels that give insights into Miami Lakes Park and its users
Other interactive elements include sports artifacts (e.g., tennis ball, soccer ball, basketball, etc.)
UI: Info Panels
I always like to create my own UI, and for that I use adobe illustrator to create icons, button states, and UI panels that I then export as (.pngs) into Unity.
It was imperative to comply with simple user experience principles such as giving users visibility of system status (#heuristic principle 1) and providing affordances to users as to which items were interactive vs static
I used a neon green for information panels as well as the “interactive” areas where player could go; it was important to help guide the player in a large world like this
UI: Music Stops
As an additional interactive component, I included several '“music stops” throughout the park, to give an incentive to player to roam and discover them
I used purple for the music stops as a reference to my other music-based project called Sonidico Music (click here to read more about it) which uses purple as its theme color palette
First Iteration: Screenshots
Some characters show dialog boxes when approached; this helps give the player more context and learn about what goes on in an average day at Miami Lakes Park
The beginning stage of the world building
I used a reference image from google images in order to ensure scale and layout was consistent with the digital twin
The result was this geometric shape that is hollow, and also easy to grab and rotate, while light and comfortable for users [it was tested to ensure durability if dropped]
Latest Iteration: Screenshots
This screenshot shows one of the interactive areas where the player can grab the basketball and throw in the hoops
There are other sport courtyards such as soccer, baseball field, and tennis
The background was now changed to a sunset view, which fits the aesthetic and objective of the digital twin, since I usually go to the park to watch the sunsets
The info panels were now updated with motifs that represent Miami, as well as include the logo of the Town of Miami Lakes
New Features
Implement a map for quick teleportation across the for corners of the map (North, South, West, East).
I also mapped this feature to the "A" button on the right controller for user to access easily at any time.
Press 'B' to Play/Pause: Explore Unlocked Songs and Navigate with Forward/Backward Buttons.
Miami Lakes Park [VR]: Demo Video
Next Steps
Ideally some user testing could be done to assess usability of the app, and add or remove features based on users’ feedback.