I'm a User Experience Designer with a graphic design background, driven by a genuine passion for digital innovation and immersive technologies like VR/AR.

My mission is clear: to create captivating and immersive experiences that deeply resonate with users. I have an affinity for projects that involve music playback and compelling storytelling, as they hold the power to inspire and positively engage users.

My colleagues would describe me as resourceful, disciplined, and always open to valuable feedback. Beyond design, my interests include music, languages, science, anime and retro gaming (especially 2000s games).

For freelance projects, use the form in this page for consultation.

I'm open to collaboration and conversations about design and life.

Let’s connect.

const aboutMe =


“occupation”: “designer”,

“languages”: [“spanish", “english”],

“interests”: [“music”, “languages”, “science”, “retro games”]

“faveCity”: “barcelona”

“faveMusicGenre”: [“alternative”, “rock”, “pop rock”, “industrial metal”],

“faveVideoGame”: “metroid”


Aptitude spectrum 💻✨

  • User experience design

  • User research

  • Usability testing

  • Human-centered design

  • Collaboration & innovation

  • Accessibility advocate

  • Figma

  • Prototyping

  • Wireframing

  • Graphic design

  • Responsive design

  • A.I. enthusiast